Look what the mail-man delivered! It's the cutest baby ever! Today we had fun playing in a box while Dad mowed the grass for 17 and 1/2 hours! (well it might not have taken him that long but it felt like it). :) I told Samuel I would have gotten in the box if I could have but alas I am to big! :( But he had fun without me in there!
On Sunday, Casey and I had a date! We went to see David Crowder Band and Third Day. It was fun but I missed Samuel, who spent almost the whole day with Mimi and Poppa D. After Church we ate lunch with Sharon(Mimi) at Moe's then Samuel went home with her. Casey and I then went out to Barnes & Noble a movie place and then to Borders(where I took a nap). It was fun to be able to look at US Weekly without Samuel trying to eat it! :) But we missed him. We had a lot of time to waste that is why we went to all of those places. When we came out of Barnes & Noble we still had like 2 hours before we needed to leave for the concert so we decided that it was still to early so we went to Movie Stop and then Casey wanted to go to Borders so I went to sleep while he went in. When I woke up it was 5:10! The concert started at 6! By the time we left we thought we would be ok time wise but then when we got to the exit and traffic was dead stopped! It took us 30 minutes to get off the exit! So needless to say we were late and missed the beginning of David Crowder. It was still fun!
We got to Sharon and David's around 10pm so Samuel was sleeping. So we took him home and put him to bed! All in all we had a great day!
Today is and wonderful day! It is sunny and 68! Perfection! Casey decided to cut the grass and Samuel and I went outside to support him. :) We had fun eating the pumpkins on the porch and taking pictures. I think Samuel will love pumpkin pie just as much as I do someday! ;) This didn't last long, maybe 15 minutes because Casey ran out of gas and we came back inside to feed Samuel. We will enjoy more of the outdoors later!
It was a nasty wet day on Saturday so we decided just to chill out and do nothing! Mia, Yankee, Samuel, and myself . Samuel played on the floor and I played Spider Solitaire on the computer. After the rain left Casey came home from his last day working for Family Christian Stores. Yeah!!!! We are free... and both unemployed! Well, we know God will provide. Really he already has I have started my own businesswith a Company called Melaleuca. Check it out at http://get-me.to/jessicasmith. Anyway, the day wasn't that fun but I thought I would share.
Casey and I have been married four years today! I can't believe it has been that long! We have had a lot of fun and are looking forward to many more fun happy years.
Last night was the first time Samuel got clean teeth! We don't have a real toothbrush for him yet just a fingerbrush. Dad was the brave one who got to stick his finger in the baby Piranha's mouth! But lucky for Casey, Samuel was not in the mood for a kill :) The toothpaste is apple and banana flavor so Samuel didn't really seem to mind. He just looked a little worried at first. But when does he not look worried? After Dad brushed baby piranha's teeth it was bath time. When he got out Dad gave baby piranha a mohawk so now he is a mohawk baby piranha rock star!
Yesterday was bath day and oh does Samuel love bath time. He thinks it is such fun to chew on rubber ducks and splash around. He always gets so excited when he splashes at the water and then he gets mad when to water gets into his eyes. I always have to keep a dry washcloth around to dry his eyes. :) Yesterday he woke up from his nap and was hungry so he eat all stage 2 food for the first time. The food looked so good... well maybe not to me but he thought so. ;) He eat Turkey and veggie medley with blueberry applesauce. The blueberry applesauce was pretty good I tasted that.
Samuelloves playing around! Gigi bought both Magdalena and Samuel this little lamb and he likes to bite it. The other day I decided to put it on his head because his new favorite game is "where did it go?" When I put it on his head and asked him "Where did it go?" he looked all around until it feel off his head then he started laughing. He thought that was great fun! This other pictures is when he was playing on the floor in the office. I was on the computer and he was just talking away. When I would look down at him he would give me this silly little grin. I had to take a picture because he was to cute!
On Saturday afternoon Samuel and I went to lunch with Aunt Liz, Poppie, Gigi, and Uncle Jon. We ate at Crackel Barrel one of our favorite places to eat! Samuel had a lot of fun eating like a big boy in the high chair. Although he had to eat carrots :( After we were done eating Gigi gave him some juice and he fell asleep in her arms. He looked so cute! (That's not a surprise because he always looks cute!) Samuel was looking very Europeanin his H&M outfit from Czech. Gigi and Aunt Liz brought it back for him when they went to meet Magdalena before Samuel was born. Aunt Liz was looking like the crazy cute artist that she is in her Yellow coat. All in all we had a great time.