Sunday, October 14, 2007

Another day in the sun

A couple of weeks ago me, Samuel, &
Yankee went to the park to hang out.
I just let Samuel and Yankee run all around
where ever they wanted(except the street) 
Here Samuel was running away when I got 
lucky and took this picture! 

Samuel had lots of fun with an empty
cup and the wood chips that cover the
ground in the play ground.  As you can
see he is very red because it was very
very hot!  

Isn't this so cute!  Boy and his best friend.
Yankee was so exhausted by the time to go
home that he got to ride in the stroller on
the walk back.

Self portrait again.  Mom and silly

Chucky Cheese

Last month Casey and I took Samuel to 
Chucky Cheese with Courtney, Chris, and Alle
The big Chucky was a little frightening to
Samuel and Alle.  They would not let go of

Even though Samuel was afraid of Chucky
he loved the games and rides!  He ran all around
the place and wanted to get on all of the things.
His favorite was this car he kept going back to it
wanting to ride it again.

Samuel and Dad playing.  I think Casey had as much
fun as Samuel playing the video games.  We got 15
tokens so Samuel and I used 7 and Dad got the rest to
play.  Samuel and I didn't see Casey again until the
tokens were gone. :)  I think we will return again soon!

Fun in the sun with Alle

What a handsome stud!  I think 
Samuel should be a model!  Well,
I think maybe he would be happier
to just play!

A few weeks ago Courtney and I thought
it would be fun to go to the Zoo but then
Courtney was afraid that we didn't have enough
time to fully enjoy it so we decided to just go to
the park.  I don't think Samuel minded.  Swinging
is always fun for him.

Alle likes the park as well.  I think she might like the
swing as much or more then Samuel.

Here is a self portrait of me and Samuel.
We were just about to slide down when I thought
I should snap a picture to prove I was there having
fun with my son!

Outside eating

In September it was a beautiful day
and Samuel and I had been playing
outside all morning.  When it was time to
eat I thought it would be fun to eat on the
porch so Samuel ate his lunch in his Cars table
and chair.

Puppy Dog

Here is the cutest puppy ever!  Last month
Samuel decided to get into the cage while I
was doing laundry.  He thought it was the funniest

He kept climbing in and out of the cage
then he would sit down in the cage close the
door and laugh.

It doesn't take much to keep this kid