Sunday, October 14, 2007

Another day in the sun

A couple of weeks ago me, Samuel, &
Yankee went to the park to hang out.
I just let Samuel and Yankee run all around
where ever they wanted(except the street) 
Here Samuel was running away when I got 
lucky and took this picture! 

Samuel had lots of fun with an empty
cup and the wood chips that cover the
ground in the play ground.  As you can
see he is very red because it was very
very hot!  

Isn't this so cute!  Boy and his best friend.
Yankee was so exhausted by the time to go
home that he got to ride in the stroller on
the walk back.

Self portrait again.  Mom and silly

1 comment:

Rebekah and Petr said...

Man, I can't believe the weather difference between there and here! Still going to the park in shorts and t-shirt while we're bundled in long-sleeves and sweaters (plus coat in morning and evening)! I'm glad we'll be in the sunshine with you soon. :)