Tuesday, May 29, 2007 is the date of Samuel's first hair cut! He was so good! Casey took off all his clothes and sat him on the table. I then put my big blue cape around him. He thought this was great fun! He started clapping his hands! Casey started spraying him down with water and some sprayed in his face, this he found to be hilarious! I figured he wouldn't like it but he did! So it started off good and then it stayed that way! I thought he would cry but he was a big boy! A few times Casey had to hold his head because I was afraid I might cut him but other than that it went wonderfully! After it was done Casey and I both said almost at the same time "He looks like a big boy now!" It was amazing how cutting off little stringy hairs can make him look more like a kid and less like a baby!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Hair Cut!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 is the date of Samuel's first hair cut! He was so good! Casey took off all his clothes and sat him on the table. I then put my big blue cape around him. He thought this was great fun! He started clapping his hands! Casey started spraying him down with water and some sprayed in his face, this he found to be hilarious! I figured he wouldn't like it but he did! So it started off good and then it stayed that way! I thought he would cry but he was a big boy! A few times Casey had to hold his head because I was afraid I might cut him but other than that it went wonderfully! After it was done Casey and I both said almost at the same time "He looks like a big boy now!" It was amazing how cutting off little stringy hairs can make him look more like a kid and less like a baby!
"Mom I am hungry!"
I think Samuel might have been trying to tell me something here! On Tuesday morning after I came home from taking my post licence test (which I passed!) Casey was laying on the couch and I was doing little things, Samuel walked over to the cabinet and opened to door. He then started to pull everything out! When he got to the bread he started bitting on the bag I started laughing.
Basket fun
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Happy Birthday Alle!
On the 19th of May we went to Alle's 1 year birthday party! It was at a park and it was a wonderful day! Samuel taught Alle how to play in the grass and to eat sticks. Something Magda knows how to do without being taught! :)
Off to the Races!
The day after our hot day at the park the whole family went to see Christopher race his dirt bike. We drove and drove and drove... it felt like we would never get to the track but finally we made it! It took us a little less then an hour! But once we were there it was fun! We got there at 7pm but Christopher didn't race until about 9pm. He did really good! He came in 2nd!
After that race he had a second race but he came out and told us that it would not be for 14 more heats! Which is how many we had waited to see him race in the first one! At that point we knew we could not stay. Samuel and Alle were being good but things were going down hill and they both looked very tired. So we decided to go home. The thing is that Casey, David, me, and Samuel rode together in our car and Chris, Courtney, Sharon, and Alle rode in their car. Sharon and David wanted to stay to support Christopher but the rest of us needed to leave. So Chris, Courtney, Casey, me, Samuel, and Alle all rode home in our car!
I was squeezed in between Samuel and Alle's car seat, Chris was all the way in the back sitting in the trunk, and Casey and Courtney sat all comfortably in the front sets! Oh what a fun hour that was! :) All and all it was a very fun night! It was very interesting to see the race and how fast and high the bikes go. I took a video but I still can't figure out how to get it on here. Oh well, someday I will learn. And most importantly Christopher won his 2nd race! Yeah! He is really very good at it, he had only raced a few times before that night.
Day at the park
Sorry it has been so long! I am going to try and make up for it by doing 4 posts!
On May 11, Samuel and I went to the park on what seem like at the time the hottest day ever!! We had a lot of fun and were very exhausted. Samuel had a good time in the sand(of course) but he did freak out a little when I tried to put him in the water.
When we were done with the sand I took a walk and Samuel got to relax in the stroller and drink some juice. After I had walked enough we played in the shade(thank God!). Samuel was have a good time in the swing and sliding but then I saw a little tunnel to crawl through and figured he would love it and sure enough he did! He was probably in it for 30 min. without coming out! It was great! He would crawl from one end to the other and laugh and talk to himself the whole time. I now know what to get him for his next birthday!
Monday, May 07, 2007
Happy Mother's Day (we know it's a little early)
It was a beautiful day to be outside so the idea popped into my head to go to Acworth Beach and have a picnic. Off we went, Momma(Gigi), Aunt Liz, Samuel, and I. They came and picked Samuel and I up around 3pm and we went to Publix to get sub sandwiches and lots of fruit.
Samuel greatly enjoyed the fruit! He kept on putting his little hands in the bowl and pulling out a huge piece that he would then try to fit in his tiny mouth! It was fun to watch. Gigi can up with a wonderful idea of making his own bowl with the lid. Samuel thought this was a great idea! And I agree because he thought he was getting it for himself but I was really controlling the size of the pieces.
Once we were all stuffed we went to sit under the gazebo. We needed shade! Though it was in the 70s the sun was shining down and making us a little too warm. :) Plus Samuel was getting a little red and we were not sure if it was from the heat or sun burn. (Turns out he was just too hot) Samuel thought the gazebo was great fun because he got to get down and crawl around! He also thought it would be fun to ram his head into the ground but he soon found that not to be true! The ground was concrete! OUCH! This was very upsetting to him and left him with a little mark on the forehead.
Have no fear it didn't take long to distract him from the pain by letting him look out the bars. Aunt Liz and I went down and took pictures of his cute little face looking out the bars. In this picture Samuel is showing Gigi something very interesting but all Gigi wants is a hug!
Samuel didn't like the water much but he did enjoy the giant sand box! This sand box had sticks and rocks and all kinds of yucky things that he thought were great for putting in the mouth! Too bad Mom had to ruin all the fun by taking them away!
It was a wonderfully fun day! The best way to spend it if you ask me!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Lego Crazy!
On Tuesday Dad decide Samuel needed to sit in the Lego bucket! It was very crazy. Casey first put the bucket on his own head and Samuel thought that was very funny! Then the bucket was put on Samuel's head. That too was fun for Samuel. After that Samuel wanted to sit in it(Says Casey) :)
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