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Last Thursday Gigi took me and Samuel to see Oma, Opa, and Uncle Steve. It was lots of fun. When we first got there we met Oma at Chili's and ate a wonderful meal. I ate Country Fried Steak and corn on the cob. Samuel got to eat chicken hot dogs and pears(not from Chili's), Gigi ate her normal but good chicken tacos and Oma got a steak. Oma's steak was not cooked good enough so she had to send it back and by the time it came back to her Gigi and I were almost done eating our food! But it didn't matter because we were enjoying Samuel and having a nice talk. When we were done we decided it was time for dessert, so we ordered a Chocolate something. It was hot fudge cake with vanilla ice cream on top and then chocolate syrup on top of that! It was divine!!
We left Chili's around 2:30 and Gigi and I went to a friend of Rebekah's house to give her back some clothes that Rebekah had borrowed. Samuel and I stayed in the car because he was getting a little sleepy. When we got back to Oma's Samuel was very very sleepy but he would not take a nap. So we just let him play on the floor. He would rub his eyes and lay down on the ground but would not sleep. Uncle Steve came over and we listened to a song he had written, sang, and played! It was pretty good! Uncle Steve has always been a good song writer. (Not as good as Poppy though) :)
Finally it was time for Samuel to eat again so Gigi feed him his bottle and he fell asleep! While he was asleep Oma got out so old photos of her family when she was young and some from before she was born! That was the most fun part of the day. She was so happy to have gotten them from her brother. I loved hearing all the stories that were behind all of the pictures. There was a picture of her whole family (before she was born I think) sitting outside. Her Mom and Dad were in the middle and then their kids and then their grandkids. In between her parents there was a little boy with his tongue sticking out! It was so cute. Then she said that someone later asked the little boy, once he was grown, why he had done that and he said that it was starting to rain and he wanted to catch some of it on his tongue! I love it. In another picture of her whole family, she was probably around 10 years old, I asked why everyone looked so sad but one of her brothers and she told me that the picture was taken right before he went off to the war so they were not happy.

Not long after Samuel fell asleep he woke up. He was still very sleepy but soon he got in a good mood. I feed him more food and then we went down stairs to visit with Opa. Samuel thought it was lots of fun to look in the mirror closet doors and to play and laugh at Oma playing "Patty cake". Then he started getting very antsy so we had to leave. It was a really fun day and I am glad we were able to visit.
P.S. In case you were wondering Samuel was naked because it was so hot in the house. :)
Well, we have been so busy doing such important things! We have been playing in the car seat, hanging out with Alle Girl, rocking out in my rocking chair, going to the park with Mom and Dad on my 11 month birthday, and going to visit Oma, Opa, and Uncle Steve.
Last week Alle, Courtney, and Mimi came over a couple times once they didn't stay long...just long enough to share the rocking chair. Samuel didn't find this very fun. I guess I haven't done a good job teaching him to share. But you really can't blame him because he was getting in his first molars. I can't say that I would be that happy either.
The other time that week they came to walk with us to the park. We didn't start walking until a little past 6pm so by the time we got there it was almost dark. But it was fun to get to see Alle swing for the first time. She thought it was just as much fun as Samuel had told her it would be. By the time we started to walk back it was dark. Mimi didn't like this one bit and Samuel got a little sad but all and all it was fun and good exercise!
On Samuel's 11 month birthday Dad and Mom took him to the park. That was the first time Dad had come with us and oh what fun we had! We went really fast and high in the swings! Slide down the slides, which Samuel really likes now. When it was time to go Dad walked and Samuel and I drove. Dad thought he could beat us but we proved him wrong! We won by a landslide! After we got home Samuel and I needed ice cream so we went out and got a vanilla Frosty with Oreo pieces. It was perfect! I think Samuel had a great day.