Sunday, October 14, 2007

Another day in the sun

A couple of weeks ago me, Samuel, &
Yankee went to the park to hang out.
I just let Samuel and Yankee run all around
where ever they wanted(except the street) 
Here Samuel was running away when I got 
lucky and took this picture! 

Samuel had lots of fun with an empty
cup and the wood chips that cover the
ground in the play ground.  As you can
see he is very red because it was very
very hot!  

Isn't this so cute!  Boy and his best friend.
Yankee was so exhausted by the time to go
home that he got to ride in the stroller on
the walk back.

Self portrait again.  Mom and silly

Chucky Cheese

Last month Casey and I took Samuel to 
Chucky Cheese with Courtney, Chris, and Alle
The big Chucky was a little frightening to
Samuel and Alle.  They would not let go of

Even though Samuel was afraid of Chucky
he loved the games and rides!  He ran all around
the place and wanted to get on all of the things.
His favorite was this car he kept going back to it
wanting to ride it again.

Samuel and Dad playing.  I think Casey had as much
fun as Samuel playing the video games.  We got 15
tokens so Samuel and I used 7 and Dad got the rest to
play.  Samuel and I didn't see Casey again until the
tokens were gone. :)  I think we will return again soon!

Fun in the sun with Alle

What a handsome stud!  I think 
Samuel should be a model!  Well,
I think maybe he would be happier
to just play!

A few weeks ago Courtney and I thought
it would be fun to go to the Zoo but then
Courtney was afraid that we didn't have enough
time to fully enjoy it so we decided to just go to
the park.  I don't think Samuel minded.  Swinging
is always fun for him.

Alle likes the park as well.  I think she might like the
swing as much or more then Samuel.

Here is a self portrait of me and Samuel.
We were just about to slide down when I thought
I should snap a picture to prove I was there having
fun with my son!

Outside eating

In September it was a beautiful day
and Samuel and I had been playing
outside all morning.  When it was time to
eat I thought it would be fun to eat on the
porch so Samuel ate his lunch in his Cars table
and chair.

Puppy Dog

Here is the cutest puppy ever!  Last month
Samuel decided to get into the cage while I
was doing laundry.  He thought it was the funniest

He kept climbing in and out of the cage
then he would sit down in the cage close the
door and laugh.

It doesn't take much to keep this kid

Monday, July 30, 2007

After nap fun

On Saturday I went to get Samuel up from his nap when this fun happened.  Magda will like this one!


On Saturday when I was getting ready Samuel wanted me to hold him but I couldn't so I put him on the counter top so he could be close to me.  He then started playing with himself in the mirror.  It was the funniest thing!  I had to run and get the camera! 

Play time

Last week Rachel and Katie came over for lunch and Samuel and Baby Angie had a play date.
Samuel found Angie very silly and Angie thought he was fun too. Samuel must have really liked her because he only tried to hit her once with the lego.

Finally Florida!

"Open up!!!" That's what Samuel was thinking when we were at the St. Marks Light House.
It was so hot there! That's why Samuel's face is so red.

Oh no! Nicole please don't throw my Daddy into the Alligators! This is Nicole getting back at Daddy for throwing her in many years ago! :)

Daddy, Papa Bo, and Momma in Apalachicola.

Mom making sure Samuel doesn't go swimming like he wanted to! Outside of the restaurant there were docks and Samuel loved running away and trying to dive in to the water!

Samuel loved playing on the beach in the sand! Here Samuel is trying to throw sand in my face!

"Oh my! I am so sleepy! I think I need a nap!"

Almost all my sisters. Only missing one, maybe next year we will all be together!

Here is the first picture of me and Casey in a while. Somehow there are tons of pictures of Samuel alone or Samuel with one of us but not one just the two of us. It was a wonderful night on the pretty beach. After picture time we all went out to eat at a little hole-in-the-wall place that had great food but horrible service!

Nicole got to come with us which was great! We don't get to see her that much and I miss seeing her every summer!

Alle and Samuel loved playing together in the giant sand box. I think Samuel wanted to hit Alle with the shovel, but I would not let that happen.Peek-a-boo! Samuel thought it was great fun to look down at everyone from way up!

Best friends!

Here is the picture of Samuel trying out the water. He didn't really like being in the water with out a float but he still got to hold on to me.

Yeah! The beach is great! Samuel really liked to sit in the wake and play with shells. It was a fun filled week that was very exhausting!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Samuel being silly

Tonight Samuel got so silly!  He was just running around laughing at just about everything!  It was too funny not to record.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Toyota Fun

Sorry for some reason I downloaded the wrong thing here is the right video!

Toyota Fun

The other night Casey and I had to take the car to the Toyota shop to get fixed. Daddy and Momma came with us and took us out to eat while the car was being worked on. We got back to the shop a little early and had to wait. Now it was about 8:45 and Samuel was getting a little tired and bored so Casey was letting him walk around and play. Well, Samuel found something very fun! A puddle! A first we were trying to keep him out of it but it just made him mad so we gave in! Samuel had so much fun that we had to strip him down and he rode home in only a clean diaper. :) Boys! They are so fun!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Where is the pool?

Fun in the sun!

Yeah! It's summer! Today we all went out on the back porch to play in the sun. Casey filled up the pool so Samuel could play in the water and then we sat outside and watched him. I think he was out of the pool more then he was in! He loved walking around and being silly.

I loved the way his wet little feet left marks on the porch! It was so sweet I had to take a picture!
Is this not the cutest face!

Happy Father's Day

Here are some pictures of us celebrating Father's Day. Casey had to work in the morning so only me and Samuel went to eat. When Casey got home we went over to the Smith's house to wish David a happy Father's Day.

This is Samuel's first attempt to color! He did such a good job! ;) Well, he at least made a mark on the paper before he tried to eat the crayon.

Here he is eating his yummy Mac & Cheese from Aunt Liz.

Aunt Liz is going to eat me!

On Father's Day Samuel and I went out to eat with Daddy, Elizabeth, Aunt Ellen, and Papa Bo.  Samuel was not very happy to sit in the car seat for an hour and then have to sit in a high chair after that!  But Aunt Liz was able to make him happy for a little while!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Dad playing with Samuel

The other day we were all playing together when samuel thought it would be fun to stand up in the little rocking chair.  Casey picked him up and made him laugh so hard!  It was so cute!  I went to get the camera.  This is what happens when Dad and Samuel play

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Fun with Samuel and Alle

The other day Courtney and Chris brought Alle over so I could Babysit her for a few hours.  They were having so much fun pushing each other around on Samuel's truck.  I just had to get it on video so everyone could watch.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Samuel and Alle Swiming

Swiming is one of these two's favorite things to do in the hot Georgia sun!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Hair Cut!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007 is the date of Samuel's first hair cut! He was so good! Casey took off all his clothes and sat him on the table. I then put my big blue cape around him. He thought this was great fun! He started clapping his hands! Casey started spraying him down with water and some sprayed in his face, this he found to be hilarious! I figured he wouldn't like it but he did! So it started off good and then it stayed that way! I thought he would cry but he was a big boy! A few times Casey had to hold his head because I was afraid I might cut him but other than that it went wonderfully! After it was done Casey and I both said almost at the same time "He looks like a big boy now!" It was amazing how cutting off little stringy hairs can make him look more like a kid and less like a baby!