Saturday, April 28, 2007

Suprise Aunt Liz!

Not only did we all go see Oma yesterday but we also gave Aunt Liz a surprise birthday party! It was a Stevie B's Pizza in Acworth. We left Oma's around 4pm because Jonathan had told Elizabeth that he wanted to go on a date so she needed to be home by 6:15pm. On the way to drop her off at Jonathan's house one of Elizabeth's friends called Momma's cell phone! Momma tried to play it off by telling Elizabeth that Caitlyn her by mistake.

It all worked out and she said she thought that we were planning this but she wasn't expecting it to be last night. You see, she had overheard Daddy telling Jonathan about the party when they were visiting her in Florida! Oh well, it was still lots of fun and she was a little surprised. The main reason we wanted to throw her a party was because she has missed her friend so much while at school.

About 20 people turned up to say "Happy Birthday!". The pizza and Publix cake with strawberries in the middle were very good and everyone enjoyed themselves greatly!

Neither Momma or I thought to get a candle so the guy from Stevie B's gave us a tiny little ice cream cone candle! It was so cute! We tried to sing fast so the candle won't melt all over the cake but it turned out very bad! I think that it was the worst song I have ever heard! :)

It was great night and to top it all off Samuel stayed awake until 9:45pm and only got a little sad once. Then Gigi took him and he had a lot of fun trying to touch her teeth. They both were cracking up! I just had to get a picture of that!

Lemon Head

Yesterday Gigi, Aunt Liz, Samuel, and I went to visit Oma. At lunch Samuel was getting bored so I decided to see if he would eat a lemon. Last time I tried it he didn't like it and kept on pushing it away from him. But this time he liked it! He would make a really funny face like he hated it but then he would open his mouth for more! :) It was great fun. We all had a good laugh at this.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

We belong in the Zoo!

On Thursday we all went to Zoo Atlanta! It was Samuel's first trip too see all of the fun animals. He loved it! Our first stop was to see the baby Panda. Her name is Mei Lan. She was born in September here in the Atl. Her parents are on loan from China and we are paying 1.5 million dollars for 10yrs! Wow can you believe that! She will only be her a few more months before she has to go to China to live.

Here she is posing for all of her visitors. She was super cute! The guide said that she loves to climb up on the tree branches but she has a hard time getting down once she is up there. :) You can watch her live at I have done this a few times. Every time I see her she is up there.

After we saw the Pandas we went to the petting zoo. Here Samuel got to pet a goat and a furry pig (as seen above). He found it very odd. He reached out touched the pig and then quickly with drew his hand. He looked up at us like, "I am not sure I want to do that again." The pigs were grunting and it was fun to hear them. I think he was thinking, "These doggies are making some strange noises!"
Casey took me and Samuel's picture here watching the Elephants. One was eating hay and Samuel would point to it and talk. It was so cute!

Here is a picture of a momma Gorilla with her 2 babies. They were probably the most fun to watch because this momma didn't want her babies playing with the other babies that were near by. The little ones wanted so badly to go play with the others but there was momma saying no way! One would start to get away and she would grab it by it's leg and sling it up onto her back! One time they both got away and momma took off to get her babies. She yanked them up so fast. You could she that she had had enough! She put them both on her back and jogged away. No more! She was done! The other 2 babies just kept on playing, their momma was close by but she didn't seem to care what they did. It was funny because I could see how some think that we were once monkeys because I could see human mommies doing the same thing at parks with their kids. Some moms think their kids are too good to play with the other kids and then there are the moms who say go have fun. It is amazing what God has created for us to enjoy!

One cool dude in the sand

On Tuesday Alle came over to play in the sand with Samuel. They had a great time! The sun was so shiny that I felt Samuel needed to wear his sunglasses from Gigi. I was really amazed how he kept them on the whole time! He also wore them to Wal-Mart earlier that day and he liked them then too. Alle was so fun to watch because she loved eating the sand! Hand full after hand full! She ate so much you could hear her crunching down on it! Courtney and I just laughed and I said that if she didn't stop soon we wood need to refill the sand box!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Sand Box

Yesterday something amazing happened! Samuel played in his sand box! Can you believe it? We walked to the park and played there for a while then we came home but on the way home Samuel fell asleep so I left him outside in the stroller. He slept for almost a hour! Then we he woke up he was hungry so he ate some oatmeal. When he was done he told me he wanted to go outside with the doggies so I went and got the dogs and off to the back yard we went. He played on the fort for a few minutes and then I thought I would try the sand box. I took the lid off and he made his "I don't like that face" but I picked up a shovel and gave it to him. Then I put some sand on his feet. He didn't get upset so I stuck his feet in the sand and even then he didn't get upset! After his feet were in he started to get interested. He bent over and put his hand in the sand and laughed! I just sat there and watched because I was to afraid that if I moved he would get upset. About 5 or so minutes went by and he at this point got all the way in the box! It was clear that he was no longer afraid of the sand box! He played in the sand for about half an hour. The fun came to an end when he decided that he wanted to eat it, as soon as he put it in his mouth he stuck out his tongue and started to cry. I had to wipe out his mouth because it was all full of sand. That's when I knew it was bath time! So off we went to get a bath and his teeth brushed! After his bath Dad came home and then Mimi came over to visit. It was a fun day and Mimi got to see Samuel walk a little bite!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Samuel walked today!!!

Sorry no pictures but I had to write to let all of you know that Samuel walked to me today! We were down stairs playing with Samuel after I got home from Cram class and Samuel was standing in front of Casey I was holding a red stuffed animal monkey when Casey said "Get Momma. Go ahead and get her." I held out the monkey and said, "Yeah, walk to me." just jokingly and he did! He walked all the way over to me!! Casey said it was 7 steps! I was too amazed to count. After he got to me, me and Casey said "Yeah Samuel!" and he started to clap. He looked at us like, "I don't really know why you are excited but I will clap anyway." It was great! We tried to get him to walk more after that but him just wanted to crawl. :) I know soon he will be all over the place.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday the 13th fun!

Today Samuel and I went to the park. It was the first pretty day in about 2 weeks so we thought we should take advantage of this! After Dad left for work off we went. Samuel loved the swing like he always does. Then we went to climb on the slides.

Samuel thought it was lots of fun looking out through the bars. He was a little to close to the edge for my comfort so I had to keep blocking the edge which he found very annoying but safety comes first!

Then we crawled through the tunnel. I took this picture myself! I wanted a picture of him crawling through but he would not go if I was on the other side! So I had to put the camera in front of him to make him go. :) I think it turned out really cute!

The best part of the day was when I learned he likes to play in the wood chips! Can you believe it? He HATES sand but tiny pieces of wood he loves!? I think that makes no since but whatever makes him happy. He thought it was great fun to put hand fulls of wood on the slide and throw it all over the place. He had it all over his clothes, bib, and hair. It was so funny!

Here he was trying to share his wood chips with me. Playing in the wood ended when Samuel tried to eat it! I had to clean out his mouth with a wipe! Then he relaxed in the stroller and drank some juice. He fell asleep on the way home and slept for another 20 min. outside when we got home. Needless to say when he woke up he got a good bath! It was a fun fun day.

Friday, April 06, 2007

1 year old!

Sorry it has taken me so long to put this post on here but I have been really busy!
These are pictures of Samuel's actual birthday. March 27, 2007. I had to go to class so Gigi babysat him. When I got home Mimi, Courtney, and Alle came over to wish him a good day and to play in the sand box Mimi and Poppa D gave him.
As you can see from the picture Samuel was NOT into playing in the sand! As soon as we sat him in it he started to cry and tried to get out! It was really strange. You would have thought that the sand was trying to kill him or that it was full of tiny little nettles! Alle Girl on the other hand did not mind at all. She just sat there looking at Samuel like he had lost his mind.
I tried to sit in it with him but no that did not help either, so after a few tries we thought it best if we left Alle in the sand and let Samuel swing.
Things changed as soon as he was in the swing and could not see the sand. He loves his swing! After a few minutes swinging it was Alle's turn to swing and Samuel got to play on the slide and watch Alle swing through the telescope on the fort. It was a very special day and I think Samuel still had fun even though he was a little tramatized by the whole playing in the sand thing. :)

P.S. Samuel is still afraid of the sand box! Every couple of days I will take him out there to let him play in it and he does the same thing. Today he was in the swing and I brought him some sand in a bucket to let him touch, he freaked out! He pushed the bucket away so fast! I guess it will take longer that I thought it would to get him used to it. :)