Saturday, April 28, 2007

Suprise Aunt Liz!

Not only did we all go see Oma yesterday but we also gave Aunt Liz a surprise birthday party! It was a Stevie B's Pizza in Acworth. We left Oma's around 4pm because Jonathan had told Elizabeth that he wanted to go on a date so she needed to be home by 6:15pm. On the way to drop her off at Jonathan's house one of Elizabeth's friends called Momma's cell phone! Momma tried to play it off by telling Elizabeth that Caitlyn her by mistake.

It all worked out and she said she thought that we were planning this but she wasn't expecting it to be last night. You see, she had overheard Daddy telling Jonathan about the party when they were visiting her in Florida! Oh well, it was still lots of fun and she was a little surprised. The main reason we wanted to throw her a party was because she has missed her friend so much while at school.

About 20 people turned up to say "Happy Birthday!". The pizza and Publix cake with strawberries in the middle were very good and everyone enjoyed themselves greatly!

Neither Momma or I thought to get a candle so the guy from Stevie B's gave us a tiny little ice cream cone candle! It was so cute! We tried to sing fast so the candle won't melt all over the cake but it turned out very bad! I think that it was the worst song I have ever heard! :)

It was great night and to top it all off Samuel stayed awake until 9:45pm and only got a little sad once. Then Gigi took him and he had a lot of fun trying to touch her teeth. They both were cracking up! I just had to get a picture of that!


Gale said...

Whew! That was a full day!! How did we cram all that into 12 hours!? But lots of fun! I couldn't believe the good mood Samuel was in for most of the night since he'd only had that one short nap in the car!

Rebekah and Petr said...

Looks like you all had so much fun! I'm jealous that I couldn't be dare you not invite me! ;) The picture of Momma and Samuel is too cute.