Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday the 13th fun!

Today Samuel and I went to the park. It was the first pretty day in about 2 weeks so we thought we should take advantage of this! After Dad left for work off we went. Samuel loved the swing like he always does. Then we went to climb on the slides.

Samuel thought it was lots of fun looking out through the bars. He was a little to close to the edge for my comfort so I had to keep blocking the edge which he found very annoying but safety comes first!

Then we crawled through the tunnel. I took this picture myself! I wanted a picture of him crawling through but he would not go if I was on the other side! So I had to put the camera in front of him to make him go. :) I think it turned out really cute!

The best part of the day was when I learned he likes to play in the wood chips! Can you believe it? He HATES sand but tiny pieces of wood he loves!? I think that makes no since but whatever makes him happy. He thought it was great fun to put hand fulls of wood on the slide and throw it all over the place. He had it all over his clothes, bib, and hair. It was so funny!

Here he was trying to share his wood chips with me. Playing in the wood ended when Samuel tried to eat it! I had to clean out his mouth with a wipe! Then he relaxed in the stroller and drank some juice. He fell asleep on the way home and slept for another 20 min. outside when we got home. Needless to say when he woke up he got a good bath! It was a fun fun day.


Gale said...

Such a cutie pie! Makes me want to eat him up! I have a brilliant idea! Put wood chips in his sand box! :)

Rebekah and Petr said...

We bought Magdalena some sand toys the sand box or wood chip pile, these cousins will have lots of fun together this fall!