Sunday, April 15, 2007

Samuel walked today!!!

Sorry no pictures but I had to write to let all of you know that Samuel walked to me today! We were down stairs playing with Samuel after I got home from Cram class and Samuel was standing in front of Casey I was holding a red stuffed animal monkey when Casey said "Get Momma. Go ahead and get her." I held out the monkey and said, "Yeah, walk to me." just jokingly and he did! He walked all the way over to me!! Casey said it was 7 steps! I was too amazed to count. After he got to me, me and Casey said "Yeah Samuel!" and he started to clap. He looked at us like, "I don't really know why you are excited but I will clap anyway." It was great! We tried to get him to walk more after that but him just wanted to crawl. :) I know soon he will be all over the place.

1 comment:

Rebekah and Petr said...

Congratulations, Samuel!! I can't wait to see you in person and have you walk to me. :)